CONNECTBYADDRINFO(3) CONNECTBYADDRINFO(3) NAME connectbyaddrinfo - initiate an IP version agnostic connection SYNOPSIS #include int connectbyaddrinfo(const struct addrinfo *addresses, long long timeout, struct CONNECTOPTIONS *options); DESCRIPTION The connectbyaddrinfo() function works identically to connectbyname (3) except it takes an addrinfo structure instead of a name and service. Use of connectbyaddrinfo() is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED. It is not future proof: future SOCK_STREAM protocols which can change addresses during flight based on the host name will not be compatible with connectbyad- drinfo(). RETURN VALUE On success, a file descriptor for the new connected socket is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately. Note that the returned socket will be in non-blocking mode. If blocking mode is desired, use fcntl(). ERRORS See connectbyname (3) SEE ALSO addrinfototext(3), connectbyname(3), getpeernametext(3), listenbyname(3), timeoutgetaddrinfo(3), AUTHOR libeasyv6 was written by William Herrin . March 18, 2012 CONNECTBYADDRINFO(3)